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Datum 2007/10/06 11:59:41
Christian Meyer
[Famfo-esens-l] Oldenburgs Straßen von A - Z - Abgabe von Zeitungsausschnitten
2007/10/28 08:51:00
Harald Tobias
Re: [Famfo-esens-l] Familienanzeigen
Betreff 2007/10/27 14:30:04
Harald Tobias
[Famfo-esens-l] Karte vom Harlingerland / Kreis WTM
2007/10/06 11:59:41
Christian Meyer
[Famfo-esens-l] Oldenburgs Straßen von A - Z - Abgabe von Zeitungsausschnitten
Autor 2007/10/07 22:17:31
Gerold Büschen Privat
[Famfo-esens-l] Paul tom Diek

[Famfo-esens-l] HARMS und van MARK - late 1800's - Westeraccum

Date: 2007/10/05 00:37:49
From: Christopher Muller <christophermuller(a)...

Moin from Vancouver !!!

I am looking for more information on my great grandparents. My father was orphaned when he was six years old and we do not have a lot of information to go on. His mother was Alste van Mark born in Westeraccum 26 Sept 1899 and it is her parents that I am looking  for more information on. I do not have their full names - only what has been passed down - Eline Harms and Jakobus van Mark. Jakobus left Eline before my grandmother was born and she ended up marrying her brother-in-law who turned out to be a very kind man. Alste van Mark married Heinrich Janssen Muller who was born in Grossefehn 21 August 1893 and died in Wiesmoor 29 August 1935. Alste died earlier that same month - 8 August 1935 - also in Wiesmoor. I have much information on the Muller family - but not my grandmother's. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

