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2013/02/25 18:52:09
Familienforschungsgruppe Esens \[geschlossene Vereinsliste\]
[Famfo-esens-l] Suchanfrage aus Neuseeland - Nachtrag
Datum 2013/02/28 23:13:23
Familienforschungsgruppe Esens \[geschlossene Vereinsliste\]
[Famfo-esens-l] Adresse zu Anfrage Renken
2013/02/14 22:10:40
Familienforschungsgruppe Esens \[geschlossene Vereinsliste\]
[Famfo-esens-l] Reiners oo Fröhlich / Hesel oder Remels
Betreff 2013/02/13 21:19:20
Familienforschungsgruppe Esens \[geschlossene Vereinsliste\]
[Famfo-esens-l] Subject: Re: [Famfo-esens-2] Teite Eden
2013/02/25 18:52:09
Familienforschungsgruppe Esens \[geschlossene Vereinsliste\]
[Famfo-esens-l] Suchanfrage aus Neuseeland - Nachtrag
Autor 2013/02/28 23:13:23
Familienforschungsgruppe Esens \[geschlossene Vereinsliste\]
[Famfo-esens-l] Adresse zu Anfrage Renken

[Famfo-esens-l] Renken, Rewerts Gerriets und Bunger

Date: 2013/02/28 19:02:55
From: Familienforschungsgruppe Esens \[geschlossene Vereinsliste\] <famfo-esens-l(a)...

Liebe Mitforscher,

Ich habe folgende Anfrage erhalten, vielleicht kann jemand helfen, ich kann es nicht.

I am researching my mother's side of the family. My grandmother was a Gerrietts and my grandfather was a Bunger. I am presently working on the Gerrietts. There are many Renken's and Harms in my family. Many of the Gerrietts came from Reepsholt and Hesel area. Many of my family came to the USA and settled in Illinois and Iowa. I have some records from Ostssippenbucher. I have traced some of my family from the late 1600's in Germany to the USA and continued to get information here on where they lived in the USA. I am trying to find out which relatives stayed in Germany and which ones came to the USA. This is one family I am trying to find out if they came to the USA.

_OSB Reepsholt 5498:_

*Gesche Maria Rewerts** 9.1.1833 Reepsholt

oo 1859 Reepsholt, procl. 29.5.1859

*Michel Renken*/ 5483 * 17.11.1832 Marx


*Anna Catharina Renken / 774*


_OSB Reepsholt 774:_

*Johann Friedrich Buchholz*/ 772, Haeusling

* 21.6.1862 Reepsholt

oo 18.4.1890 Reepsholt

Anna Catharina Renken / 5498, Dienstmagd


/Johann Hinrich Buchholz b. 1891 in Reepsholt
Gesche Maria Buchholz  b. 1893 in Reepsholt
Herman Heinrich Buchholz b. 1896 in Reepsholt/

I have no other records on this family. Did they come to the USA?
I do not have Anna's birthdate Her mother Gesche was born 1833 in Reepsholt and Michel was born in1832 in Marx.

If you can help I would be very happy. I have traced many Renken's and Harms in the USA. If I can help you with any information please let me know.

Angefragten Daten habe ich aus dem OFB ergänzt. Hat jemand diese Familien im Stammbaum oder ergänzende Daten dazu.

Wenn ja, reiche ich gerne die Email-Anschrift weiter.

Beste Grüsse

Uschi (Boes)